Jen Joseph – Confidence Performance Coach (MCIPD)
Dedicated to working with women of faith. My mission is to assist you to release your confidence, to crush fears and restore your self-esteem. To breakthrough your glass ceilings and excel as a leader in your field.
I will help you to find the code hidden in your emotions for your breakthrough. Get the clarity you desire to become an overcomer of unshakeable courage.
About you
You have struggled to work things out on your own. But have you had enough of second guessing yourself? Have you decided that enough is enough?
The one thing you know is change must happen. You want to stop the pain that is paralysing and producing hesitation and procrastination.
These staling trends cause you to sweep over significant signal. It’s time to work on restoring your self-esteem and true identity, to truly know who you are.
You often find that you miss the comments that would offer solutions. If truth be known you have struggled to find independently.
You have had enough of second guessing yourself, lacking confidence. Juggling different emotions have worn you out, now its time for change.
Your main concern is to get to the point that you can live life with passion. I want you to get to the point that you feel authentic.
My history
Hello, my name is Jen Joseph MA, (MCIPD). Emotional Intelligence coach. Building confidence to address leadership pressures, juggling priorities, and hardship is my key objective.
I have being in leadership for several decades. When I met my many failures, they awoke some redundant self-talk from childhood trauma and sunk under the distress of worry and anxiety.
During this period of anxiety I met my internal conversation that ‘I was not good enough!’ So, all I did was hold it together! At the same time my self-esteem kept saying ‘who was I to do the work I do?‘ ‘How could I keep my anxiety and fear under cover?‘.
The problem of traumatic childhood events I experienced left me with a gaping whole with no way to deal with it. I would always have a crisis before the crash and burn and so eventually ended up having the melt down.
Eventually I learnt many techniques to work my way to strong confidence and robust self-esteem. Because I know how compromising life can be, I promised that when I practiced enough I would help any woman of faith to get her breakthrough and be an overcomer.
I have created this space for your to cast your cares!
Leadership background
As a former HR Manager, qualified in Human Resource Management with an MA and Postgraduate certificate in Change Management.
Previously working in roles as a Race Equality Director, and a Voluntary Sector Liaison Officer I have gained a deep understanding of discrimination on all levels.
I have led a varied and successful career as a leader at Board level holding several Non Executive Director roles over two decades in positions such as the Chairman of Governors at a local college; a governor at a local academy, a political Ward Councillor and Chairperson of several grassroot charities.
Having worked in the Private, Public, Not for Profit and Voluntary Sector I honed my knowledge on organisation culture practices that influence performance contrary to policies.
Now as an experienced Leadership Performance Mentor and respected EI Confidence Coach, I founded EEC Release your Confidence in February 2011,
I am now here to serve you using Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence incorporating Biblical principles and Strategic Intervention models to assist you to release your confidence. These modalities assist leaders to become their most authentic version they envisage.
Now you can crush your fears to restore your self-esteem.
My commitment to you
- We will work together to get a crystal clear vision of the confident leader you want to become
- We will uncover the hidden challenges that are sabotaging your efforts to breaking through your emotional pain and the glass ceiling to your success.
- Assisting you in identifying your most authentic traits to restore the self-esteem that has been missing in your life.
- At the end of our time together you will leave the session with renewed energy, feeling inspired to finally work in your true excellence.
- You will move authentically and now you will feel confident that you can create and innovate by drawing on the hidden code for success from your painful emotions.
Contact me to discover the path to you future now! Get your ‘Hidden Code of Confidence’ session by following this link.