Work grievances – the consequence of unaddressed trauma
Work is the main vehicle to prove your ability, to feel relevant and connected. But your career is not who you are!
There are many ways that issues show up in the workplace to trigger grievances.
Some cases of grievance have nothing to do with the performance of the individual and more to do with the culture of the environment, or the habit of turning a blind eye.
Dysfunctional culture is one of the main causes of permitted detrimental interactions.
On rare occasions it is the clash of titanic personalities raising the red mist of hostility that spills over into the workplace.
No matter what your experience is, whether as a witness of horrifying behaviour, or as the target, your career should be seen as a means of expressing your talents and gifts.
It is the expectation an individual feels about the way they should be treated that creates the sense of hurt.
Truthfully, the greatest pain shows up when the feelings and expectations of people’s attitude and behaviour towards you does not correlate to how you feel.
Discrimination – It never says out loud that I am here!
Being a professional is a career choice, but it is not your identity! When you get it that your profession is not who you are, you can minimise the impact of verbal assaults.

Individuals get stressed out and stretched to their limits where racial and gender issues show up because of their sinister and menacing nature.
Discrimination can and does threaten self-identity because it singles you out for something that is an essential part of you.
Those issues that cause the hurt get triggered into grievances. So, because of the intimidating experience it finally morphs into discrimination.
Note this the great distress is to assist you to learn the lessons for life and fight for your identity!
Some individuals who have being through childhood trauma struggle with asserting themselves. They struggle with their sense of belonging or purpose. So, how do we avoid becoming a victim when everything in the past has taught us to fear.
Now, an individual can struggle to express themselves because of this nonentity persona and so appear introverted.
Isolation will force introverts to the side-lines and this makes them an easy target for the bully to target through cruel and unjust treatments.
However, when such victims learn to take their minds off themselves and focus on others the target shifts and the bully becomes ineffective.
Bullies thrive on fear! When you are not concerned about your feelings, you cannot be hurt.
Skewed thinking and low self-esteem will influence body language and vulnerabilities.
It is through body language that screams neediness that bullies, and narcissist can target their victims, because they expose increasing feelings of insignificance, and intimidation.
This intimidation pushes a person into a position of powerlessness, causing them to be backed into a corner of compromise, chaos and confusion.
When you are feeling harassed realise that this is about creating chaos in your thinking so that you do not recognise what is going on.
Read this blog on the starting point to escaping your past, past trauma
Principles at work to process the outcome
Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Steve Covey, Les Brown and Zig Ziglar are all renowned for their unshakable principles for success. These are principles that everyone should be using.
For decades these transformation leaders used biblical relationship systems to swiftly move prospects to their preferred outcome. Perhaps you may want to consider using these principles.
So, stop wearing yourself out working so hard to suppress those strong draining, destructive emotions. Is it possible for you to be healthier and more decisive?
Can you imagine what it would feel like to have people ask for your secrets to the confident you?
Seeking a solution?
So now, your main concern is that someone recognises the pain you are going through.
You keep looking for someone who can put into words and sum it up before you start?
I know that you have spent a lot of time searching for ways to transform your life. What have you found to ease your pain?
Your commitment to invest time to work on yourself is not an issue for you, as you just want a solution that can get you to where you want to be.

And so, you have continued to search hoping one day that you will find answers. Perhaps there may not be a solution!
When you look at the counselling or coaching you have found they have been so sameish that you are now in a state of despair.
Escaping the expectation of others I want to be myself, but everyone tries to tell me who they think I should be.
When you are ready, I am offering a system that will help you to: –
- Find ways to put into words the pain that you are facing
- To finally understand what pushes you into a crisis
- Understand and acknowledge the extent to which your triggers are impacting your life
- Understand the link between lost confidence and your sleep pattern, headaches and fatigue
- Commit to the work of walking through the issues and letting go of the pain
- Create a workable action plan towards your goals
- Learn how attachment to past pain prevents social engagement in tense situations
- Transform your pain and pessimistic thoughts into a dynamic flow of creative energy