What does it take to achieve a goal? You must act with urgency to hit our goals, but wait patiently for our time to come! How can we do both? Why do both?
Patience means holding on to a vision of the outcome even when there appears to be no progress. Sometimes change is occurring, however, on the surface very little seems to be happening and this makes us feel uncomfortable and impatient. Impatience leads us to rash acts examine the things that we have done in an attempt to revise what do not seem to be working. Unfortunately, disturbing a well thought out and deliberately executed plan can cause great set back if not total stagnation.
So, what does it take to achieve a goal? Stop digging up what you have planted to see whether it is growing because you don’t see how you will achieve your goal without growth, and just keep nurturing your gift. I have seen individual talked down from their goals because they seemed lofty, but remember, Rome was not built in a day.
A tree has to first sprout roots, before it will shoot branches. We cannot run before we have learnt to walk.
So, what does is take to be patient?
Self-control which means resisting the urge to disturb the plans we have put into action, and resilience to flex with the changing tides that seem to bring a rough season where we had expected a great catch and then to talk ourselves down from impulsive acts. Ignore the comments that try to distract you from achieving your goals.
Why is it important to be patient?
Practicing patience does not equal wasting time. There are unseen activities that will eventually bring big harvest. People will try to get you to go for immediate gratification by comparing your results to theirs, but just hold on. The moral of the Hare and the Tortoise is that slow and steady, consistency is the are of patience. To be in the moment keeps us in flow. Be patient because amazing things happen. Breakthroughs occur above and beyond our expectations π
And, then...
Breakthroughs come with big moments of inspiration. Inspiration brings concepts never before imagined and this is when urgency is applied. This is the first step to achieve a goal.