The other day I was tagged on a post about gratitude. The post asked for comments on what we are grateful for. Well, this post caused me to stop, to pause for thought… Does gratitude really improve our success? What is the likelihood that gratitude is the element that creates a significant swing away from failure? If gratitude is important how does it work its magic?
After much thought I came to the following conclusion about gratitude and how it improves our success…
… I came up with 3 stages – Thanksgiving, appreciation, then gratitude…
1. Thanksgiving clears the air so that we are clear on our goals. It is an ongoing process activated long before we see the outcome of our ambitions and goals. Here we can look back into past successes to count our blessings by reminding ourselves, one by one.
PS: did you know that this also builds confidence?
2. Appreciation acknowledges the giver of gifts and requests. It also frees the giver from obligation to deliver, and this permitting them to give above and beyond what you have asked or desired.
This is the process of receiving our request.
3. Gratitude is the act of acceptance!!. It is the emotional state we call joy. It is a sense of pure satisfaction and knowing that our desires are accomplished. Gratitude does not require us to look back to count our blessings. It is the knowledge that we are successful in our endeavours.
Gratitude is a state of presence!
What do you think? Have I said what you felt intuitively?
#success #gratitude #grateful #emotionalintelligence