Have you seen posts with the following headings ‘why goal setting doesn’t work!’, ‘don’t set goals!’
They state that setting goals puts you too far into the future! That goals should only be used to measure the time it takes to feel successful. That goal setting would or could lead to disappointment. Instead of goals they suggest setting up systems, processes, habits.
So what goal setting be about?
If you set goals will you focus on that outcome to the exclusion of being present on the journey? Would you ever jump on a bus with me and be happy that I have a process but no goal? Would you be happy to take a journey without having a goal or destination? Ok, maybe not!
But is setting up a system, process or habit the way to change for success? Can a process give the same focus to want you want to achieve?
I listened to a few of these videos and podcasts and was astounded to hear the speakers saying that goal setting DOES work! They even went as far as to tell the listener that they used goal setting constantly to build their business, network or wealth. What confusion!
So, were these post titles just click bate?
Are titles designed to hook the minds of the desperate who are to fearful to permit themselves to have goals? Hooking people who will desperately surrender to the promised alchemy of persuasion that avoids commitment to their objective? Would such titles as ‘goal setting doesn’t work!’ encourage the meanders to drop the bone (that which they hold as a goal) for the shadow (the promise of a process, habit or system)? What is the purpose of a system or a process? Is it about the endpoint or about the heavy lifting needed to get there?
I found that most of these videos were trying to tell the listener to enjoy the journey, to be present at every moment of their experience, but now how to create or hold on to a goal.
Are these meaningless words?
To create change for success we need a vision of the outcome (goal) because without this we will perish. We need endurance which builds our stamina to push through motivational blockages and resilience to bounce back. Then when things get tough, when people and situations says ‘you’re not enough!’, ‘you can’t do it!’ and you have a goal, you are able to hold on to the possibilities it will bring.
The bottom line is we need the narrow focus of goal setting as this gives clarity to maintain the visions, and then apply the process or system. This forms the best route to success,
Have the confidence to know what you want. Set the goal and then put systems in place to support you in achieving it
Take personal responsibility for your goals. Hold on to the satisfaction that you will experience once the outcome is achieved. And run your race with patience, marking your progress along the way. #changeforsuccess