When boredom rocks your confidence! I had to work hard to work out what boredom was really doing to me, but what a surprise when I arrived at the answer.
Have you ever experienced a time while working that nothing mattered? That nothing stimulated you to do the next thing with enthusiasm! This happened to me again recently, so I took time to look at what was going on with my emotions and thoughts.
To my surprise I found that I was bored. Why was I experiencing this feeling of boredom? What message was it concealing while overwhelming me with a feeling of desperation? What is the effect of boredom on motivation? Well my exploration turned up something very strange.

What is boredom anyway?
Strangely the boredom I felt was not about a lack of interest in my activity or circumstance, but a sense of sorrow. Going further I could see that the sorrow was based on a unresolved sense of failure, but failure about what? Once I could get still I didn’t have to search to far for the answer. You will not have to search far if you ever happen to experience something similar.
The work that I was engaged in had some how being playing with my psyche. What was in this work that triggered the deep seated sorrow? What I encountered rocked me. I was feeling unfulfilled! This feeling robs our confidence without reservation.
I was missing the mark of my higher calling by continuing to compromise and cruise and function from habit instead of serve from passion and knowledge of what I find fulfilling.
When emotional signals like boredom rise to our conscious mind, our confidence can be severely shaken if we cannot get in touch with the hidden message. When we do not, or cannot unravel its message we misinterpret their signal and to escape we read it as boredom. If we dig deeper with the same level of understanding we then interpret it as being a personal failure rather than regret due to a divergence from our purpose!
The boredom will not necessarily disappear because of our new found awareness, but your confidence will increase!
However, the boredom can be brought under our control as we set to getting back on track. We can take back our power and confidence to move with purpose towards our goal with the new understanding of the effect of boredom.
Are you ready to say enough is enough? Share your story of how you have overcome your shadows.
#changeforsuccess #emotionalintelligence #shakingofboredom