Things happen to us everyday
Do I have mug written on my forehead? Some days it just seems that we can’t get a break. Things just come into our lives as though they are in a race tumbling back over each other for attention.
So what is going on, why are we going through these trails?

Why do we have these experiences?
If I told you that you were creating them, whether it is aware or not, you would say, ‘you’re crazy! why would I do that to myself?’ And that would be the best question you could ask, because right now every attempt you are making to be confident is failing miserably
So, is there a sign on your head that says ‘mug’, that advertises you to be a fool, and everyone can take advantage of you? Well, in a way the answer is yes!
You see, your pessimism is not just a conversation going on in your head. It is being interpreted by your body into an emotion every time you place your mind on that combination of thoughts. From that emotion you adopt an attitude which then impacts your body language and posture!
Bullies, narcissists and people with psychopathic tendancies are very good at reading this type of body language, in fact they are always scanning their environment for such people.
Now it isn’t your body language alone that its you away, the way to respond to enquiries, the way you spill your whole life when people ask, ‘how are you?’ the way you give your trust away and call someone best friend before you have even tested their character gives you away and puts you in greater risk of being hurt.
So, yes, you do have a sign that says ‘mug’ on your forehead.

‘But, if I don’t want to be hurt, why do I behave this way?’
The why to your behaviour lies in your past and the events that have being left unresolved. However, the questions, why me? what have I done? Why can’t I get what I want? are still running in the background leaving you in a state of confusion.
These thoughts are below your awareness. You cannot get to a resolution to respond with the answer that satisfies your needs for comfort, reassurance and acceptance. Not only that, but the fact that you cannot hear these thoughts leaves you in a state of unawareness. When the situation of your ignorance is pointed out to you, you reject it. It is difficult for you to accept that you were so defeat to your thoughts that it just cannot be true!
Is there a way to break the cycle?
There is a way to get enough momentum to be flung out of this cycle of pain. However, you or I have got to get to a point where ‘enough, is enough!’ this is a state where you are no longer pre pared to compromise or put up with the inconvenience of disturbing emotions being repeated over and over.
Working with a trained coach who understands the emotional repercussion of trauma is one of the best non invasive ways to both address the pain. With a coach you can gain the code to becoming successful hidden within so that you can move with greater confidence.
So, if you have that feeling that you have mug written on your forehead, now is the time to take action. Why not begin the work to break through the barriers that have held you back and escape for good? Read more on the impact on leadership in this post, ‘Is there a link of childhood abuse to adult trauma?‘
Get your ‘Hidden Confidence Code’ session by following this link
We work together to get a crystal clear vision of the pain that you need to escape past trauma to find happiness by taking the lessons from it to gain massive breakthrough so that you can move forward in life.